
Yo, Ho, Hello there, Oh yeah, don't think i won't go there, go to Beirut and do a show there...

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


At the stroke of 9 am, here i sit.. at the computer. No, not at home, at college... kinda weird, class doesn't start for.. hmm.. lets see.. 14-9, 5 hours. And a half. I think. Gotta check my timetable later.
Probably going out to Gurney Plaza later with Rhina, Diana and Sylvia.. Rhina has to buy some tickets for the ICT performance she's going for on Thursday.. i'm going for the Friday show. Wonder why the other two are tagging along, probably to chaperone us, Rhina and me. Come to think of it, it was Rhina who asked them along... why though?? Scared of me? 'lil ol' me? Hah. That's a joke.. who's scared of me? Have yet to meet someone who is.. damn my self-control and good nature.
Anyway.. Man Utd beat Liverpool yesterday, so things are starting to look up for us. From what i hear, it was a deserved victory. YES, i admit it.. i didn't watch the match, although it must have been playing on all channels, given the magnitude of its importance. Sue me. Or rather, sue my mom. She wouldn't have let me watch it, now that my exam is less than 9 months away.
Talk to y'all later guys.. ciao.

P.S. I already watched the game now.. Yay MU!!


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