My horoscope today...
Today's Forecast
Admit it: You were extremely charming yesterday -- and you'll be even more devastating today. Hire a press agent while there's time. Once you start talking, your soon-to-be fans will be lining up around the block.
The Bottom Line
If you've got a secret hope or dream, let it out. Give it some space to grow.
In Detail
The concept of having fans is nothing new to fire signs like yourself. In addition to the well-known hypnotic effect that fire has on the average person, the energy and enthusiasm you guys put out can't help but attract a following. At the moment, however, you'd better wield this weapon carefully, because your already formidable charm will be even more irresistible. It won't just be tough to say no to you. It will be downright impossible -- for mere mortals, anyway.
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