
Yo, Ho, Hello there, Oh yeah, don't think i won't go there, go to Beirut and do a show there...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

The passing of a friend

It's really really sad when shit happens to old friends... A few days ago, a friend of mine from 6 years ago took his life when it all became too much for him to take. The time when i really knew him, he was always pleasant to me, and to all my other friends. He was a little on the quieter side in class, his closest friends being the noisiest. Those closest to him would understand what the world has lost with his departure from out midst.

I acknowledge what Alvin tried to do in his blog, but i feel that respecting his memory would be to recognise the intent with which he left us. I'm not gonna touch on how he took his life; all i'm gonna say is that he was frustrated with his condition, and with his last words he expressed that he didn't wish to burden is parents with his problems anymore.

When i Alt-Tab to my friendster bulletin board, all the posts have the same title : In Loving Memory : TWL(i'm not divulging his name). Many of us you've left behind, TWL, all of us wishing you were still here. May we all meet again some time in another time and place. Till then, rest in peace.


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